

发布日期:2019年03月15 08:59

标签:伟德betvlctor网页版集团 大事记 生态牛羊 庄园梦

Grand Farm

"Alliance Group has helped Grand Farm to upgrade and lift the standard of our operations, awareness on food safety, traceability and importance of brand building. We have reached a good understanding to embark on “Grand Alliance” – a plan to propel both companies into the next 16 years with even greater success. We have all the goodwill, friendship and strong mutual understanding to work very closely and scale new heights for the future. 2016 is destined to be an extraordinary and challenging year. We are strong business partners after all these years. We shall tackle all challenges together and scale new heights. The future is ours to build."
- Xibin Chen, President, Grand Farm Chin 



“阿兰茨集团协助伟德betvlctor网页版提升了我们的经营标准,提高了我们对食品安全意识、可追溯性和对品牌建设重要性的认识。我们已经达成了一个共识去着手“伟德betvlctor网页版阿兰茨联盟”计划,以推动两家公司在未来16年里取得更大的成功。我们友好的意愿,友谊,和相互理解会使我们的合作更加紧密,未来攀登新的高度。2016年注定是不平凡和富有挑战性的一年。这么多年来 ,我们一直是强大的商业合作伙伴 。我们将共同应对所有挑战,攀登新的高度。未来属于我们来创造 。”
—— 陈希滨,中国伟德betvlctor网页版董事长


Alliance’s partnership with Grand Farm China began more than 16 years ago. Right from the beginning, the two companies collaborated closely together in order to maintain a market leadership position in a rapidly changing market environment.  This has involved Alliance supplying expertise, guidance and technical advice as Grand Farms have grown their internal processing abilities. In return, Alliance has been able to develop co-operative branding programmes with Grand Farms, and gain access to higher value markets as they evolve in China.

Grand Farm owns 96 meat shops, operates 260 branded meat counters in selected hypermarkets and supplies over 1000 hypermarkets in China


阿兰茨与伟德betvlctor网页版中国的合作始于20年前。两家公司从一开始就紧密合作 ,以便在瞬息万变的市场环境中保持市场引领地位 。在伟德betvlctor网页版提高内部加工能力的过程中,得到了阿兰茨集团提供的专业意见 、指导和技术咨询。作为回报,伟德betvlctor网页版与阿兰茨制定了双品牌合作项目,以帮助阿兰茨在不断发展的过程中进入到中国更高价值的市场。

伟德betvlctor网页版拥有96家肉类专卖店,在选定的大型超市里有260个品牌肉类专柜,肉类供应超上千家超市 。


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